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Welcome to the Oval Community Centre, Stevenage

The Oval (Stevenage) Community Association is a Registered Charity that runs the Oval Community Centre in Stevenage. 

The Association employs staff to oversee the day to day running of the Centre.

Built in 1974 the Oval Community Centre is the largest community centre in Stevenage and we attract a varied range of users who offer services for all ages.

As well as hiring rooms for private functions we also hire out meeting rooms.

We welcome visitors to the Centre, where our team of friendly staff will help you with your enquiries.

We are situated within the Oval shopping area and share our building with All Saints Church.​


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Hall / Rooms For Hire

Prices effective 1st November 2024

Main Hall

Meetings / Fitness - Monday to Saturday

Monday - Friday

Upto 6pm

£27.05 per hour *


From 6pm

£34.35 per hour *



9am - 6pm

£38.05 per hour *


Maximum capacity 150 people


* Charity Rates maybe applicable. Terms and conditions apply.



Room 3/4

Meetings / Fitness Room

Monday to Saturday

£15.45 per hour *



£24.55 per hour

Maximum 20 seated for meetings.

15 people for exercise classes or anything not seated.


Small kitchenette


* Charity Rates maybe applicable. Terms and conditions apply.

Room 5

Meeting Room
Monday to Saturday

£13.90 per hour *


Maximum 8 people.

Not suitable for exercise classes.


* Charity Rates maybe applicable. Terms and conditions apply.

Room 6

Meeting Rooms

Monday to Saturday

£13.90 per hour *


Maximum 6 people seated at tables plus 1 tutor.

10 people with no tables.

Not suitable for exercise classes.


* Charity Rates maybe applicable. Terms and conditions apply.

Coffee Bar

Meeting Room

Monday to Saturday
£15.45 per hour 



£24.55 per hour


Maximum 20 people.

Not suitable for exercise classes.


* Charity Rates maybe applicable. Terms and conditions apply.

Youth Wing

Meeting Room

Evenings and Weekends

Monday to Saturday

From £15.45 per hour



From £24.55 per hour


Maximum 20 people.


Main Hall - Function Hire

Fridays & Saturdays

£37.70 per hour


Maximum 150 people or 120 people for a fully seated event.


Deposit - see FAQ’S

Cookers - see FAQ’s

Main Hall - Functions Sundays


£39.30 per hour


Maximum 150 people or 120 people for a fully seated event


Deposit - see FAQ’s

Cookers - see FAQ’s

Main Hall - Children's Party

Saturdays & School Holidays (Monday to Friday only)

£26.40 per hour


Maximum of 4 hours

Children’s parties must be finished by 4:30pm

Birth to 11 years old

Maximum 100 people


Deposit £25.00

Main Hall - Children's Party


£30.90 per hour

Maximum of 4 hours

Birth to 11 years old

Maximum 100 people


Deposit £50.00



Something for Everyone


Hearing Advisory Clinic - 4th Monday of each month.  Please book an appointment 01707 324582


9.15am - 10.15am INS Tai Chi

10.30am - 11.30am INS Sing-Along

10.15am - 12.15pm INS Tea Room (Free to All)​


6.00pm - 7.30pm Buzz Cheerleading​

7.45pm - 9.30pm Over 50s Black Men Forum


9.30am - 12.30pm INS Breakfast Club (Free to All)

10:00am - 11.00am Active Tots

11.30am - 12.30pm INS Line Dancing

12.30pm - 3.00pm Oval Community Cafe (Free to All)

1:30pm - 3:00pm Friendship Group (Over 50s)

3.30pm - 5.00pm Adults Walking Football (Stevenage FC Foundation)


7:00pm - 8:00pm Longfellow Pilates

7:30pm - 9:00pm Jive of Hearts



9:20am onwards Foot Health with Tracy (appt necessary 07754 746807)​


9:30am - 12:30pm Oval Creatives (Craft and natter)

12.00pm - 2.00pm - Steelbones Amputees (Contact directly for dates and details)

1.00pm - 3.00pm INS Tea Dance & Social (Twice a month)


5.30pm - 7.30pm Beezee Bodies Healthy Lifestyle



10:00am - 12:00pm Stevenage FC Foundation Extra Time Hub (Fortnightly, free entry & refreshments)

TBC INS Craft Group (Once a month)​

12.30pm - 3.00pm Oval Community Cafe (Free to All)


6:00pm - 9:00pm Dogs Trust Dogs School (To book call 03301755122)




10.00am - 11.00am - INS Yogalates

11.30am - 12.30pm INS Chair Exercises

12.30pm - 1.30pm INS Lunch Club

6:45pm - 8:45pm - Youth Connexions

ages 14-17 (Youth Club/term time only)


Stoma Support Group
10.30am - 4th Saturday of the month


Photocopying & Printing


A4 black & white - 20p
A4 colour - 40p
A3 black & white - 40p
A3 colour - 80p


Printing Service

A4 black & white - 1st page 70p & 20p thereafter

A4 colour - 90p 1st page & 40p thereafter

Free computer use

Suitable for job searches / form filling etc.

Printing of documents is available - see prices above

Please check with the office for available times as these vary daily due to diary bookings in the coffee bar area


50p per A4 sheet
£1 per A3 sheet

Books Jigsaws DVDS & Games For Sale

Good quality second-hand books for sale 50p per paperback and £1.00 per hardback

Jigsaws £1 each

DVD’s & CD's 30p each or 4 for £1.00



All good quality donations of the above gratefully received


All proceeds go back into the running of our Centre

Food Bank

There is a large brown bin in the foyer area for donations
Stevenage Vineyard has been set up to provide a safety net for Stevenage residents who find themselves in sudden financial crisis
Donating just one can of food can make a difference


Have a local event/group to advertise? Why not pop a poster, no larger than A4 into the Centre
Advertising boards within the Centre with a variety of subjects

Groups run by the Oval Community Centre

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Oval Creatives

Bring your own crafts to enjoy whilst chatting with new friends over a hot drink.


No need to book, just turn up on the weeks you are available.


9:30am - 12:30pm every Wednesday.

£2.30 per session, which includes a hot drink and biscuit.  Please enquire at the Centre Office for more information.


Oval Community Cafe

Our Tuesday and Thursday Cafe's are FREE throughout February to April.  Pop in for a cuppa and some light refreshments in the comfort of our warm cafe.


Contact Details for Groups

All Saints Church

Anglican Vicar and Methodist Authorised Minister

Rev’d Pete Orton - 07837 387412


Church Warden

Mr Norman Kiddle - 01438 215578


North Herts Family Centre

Open daily Mon-Fri but hours vary so please call direct
0330 123 4043


Tracy Hayward MAFHP MCFHP
07754 746 807
Appointments necessary

Dogs Trust Dogs School

Friendship Group

Please contact the Centre Office

Hertfordshire Hearing Advisory Service

01707 324582

Jive of Hearts

Garrett - 07828 269223

Longfellow Pilates

Caroline Longfellow - 07789 964665


01438 354018

Oval Creatives

Please contact the Centre office

Stevenage FC Foundation

01438 222222 opt 3

Youth Connexions

01438 843340

Frequently Asked Questions

What Would You Like To Know?

How can I volunteer at Oval Community Centre?

We are often looking for volunteers to help with our events etc. Please contact the Centre Manager for further details.

Is my deposit refundable?

Yes your security deposit is refundable providing that all our terms and conditions have been adhered to.

Is my deposit deducted from my hall hire?

No - your deposit is a security deposit and is totally separate to your hall hire payment.

How much deposit do I pay for functions?


Functions under 5 hours £100.00*

Functions 6 hours up to 10 hours £200.00*

Functions over 10 hours £300.00

Functions including food - an additional £100.00

*£300.00 deposit for 12th - 18th birthday parties



Functions 5 hours and under £100.00*

Functions 6 hours and over £200.00*

Functions including food - an additional £100.00

*£300.00 deposit for 12th - 18th birthday parties


Bookings are not complete until a deposit and all completed/signed paperwork has been received

Are the cookers included in my hire?

No - there is an additional charge of £32.30 for the use of cookers for catering.
If you are just warming a very small amount of food please speak to the office

What is the main hall capacity?

We allow a maximum of 150 people in our main hall, unless you are having a fully seated event, such as a meal, then the capacity is 120 people.

Do you allow bouncy castles?

Yes - please make sure these are no higher than 15ft.
These must be delivered and collected within your booked hours.

How can I pay?

  • Bank Transfer - The Co-operative Bank, sort code 08-92-99, account number 65545542. If using this method please quote your invoice number or date of booking. The bank name is Oval (Stevenage) Community Assoc


Terms & Conditions of Hire

These are handed to you/ emailed to you upon booking. Please read them carefully.
You could forfeit your deposit if the Terms and Conditions are not adhered to.

When can I use your free computer service?

Times vary depending on our diary bookings. It is best to check with the office on a regular basis.

Photos - Oval Community Centre

Office Opening Hours

Come and visit us

Our office is currently open Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm.

Times may vary during school holidays.


Contact Us

The Oval Community Centre, Vardon Rd, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 5RD

01438 359404

  • Google Places
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